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It is not very likely that hymns will be written in the right key for you.  For that reason you must learn to transpose hymns.  You could just rewrite all the hymns in the keys that you want, but that would be a lot of trouble. When you write chord symbols using numbers rather than letter names, the chord symbol does not change when you transpose to another key.  Neat huh.  It takes practice to transpose but most of the hymns are only one page long so you can do this.


Transpose means to move a song from one music scale or key to another. You need to know the music scales to transpose notes and chords.


Let's use an example of moving a hymn from C to Bb.  If you have a hymn written in the key of C and you want to transpose the hymn to the key of Bb, find the music scales that have the C and Bb keynotes. The keynote is the number one scale degree. Every note in the Key of C would be changed to the corresponding note in Bb. Every C would be changed to Bb  Every F (which is the fourth scale degree in the key of C) would be changed to Eb (which is the fourth scale degree in the key of Bb) and so on. The same procedure is used to transpose chords. Every C major chord would be changed to Bb major. Every F major chord would be changed to Eb major. F7 would be changed to Eb7. F minor would become Eb minor and so on.


Notes Not in the Music Scale

For accidental sharps, flats, or naturals, transpose using the music scale degree note name, then move up or down for the sharp or flat or natural.  Using the example of transposing from C to Bb, if an F# is encountered, use F on the transposition chart.   F would be changed to Eb, and at this point you would apply the sharp and move one half step up (next key to the right, whether black or white). Eb sharped becomes E natural. So F# in the key of C would be transposed to E natural in the key of Bb. Chords are handled in the same manner. An F# major chord would become an E major chord. An F# minor chord would be transposed to E minor and so on.


Index Cards

Get 12 index cards and write along the top edge of the cards the music scales (numbers and letter notes).  Use a measured spacing so they will line up later.  Write one music scale per card.   When you do transposition practice, take the two cards you need, the one the hymn is written in and the one you want to change to and paper clip them together so the two music scales are right next to each other and aligned .  As you play the hymn, you can refer to the cards.  Look for the note or chord as written in the hymn and the new transposed note or chord will be right there on the other card.



With Scale Degree Numbers


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

C       D       E      F       G      A      B       C


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

Db     Eb     F     Gb    Ab     Bb     C      Db


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

D       E      F#     G      A       B      C#     D


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

Eb     F       G      Ab     Bb    C      D      Eb


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

E      F#     G#     A       B     C#     D#    E


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

F       G       A      Bb     C      D      E       F


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

Gb    Ab     Bb    Cb    Db    Eb     F     Gb


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

G       A       B      C       D      E      F#     G


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

Ab     Bb    C      Db    Eb     F      G      Ab


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

A       B      C#     D       E      F#    G#    A


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

Bb     C      D      Eb     F      G       A      Bb


1        2       3       4       5       6       7       8

B      C#     D#     E      F#    G#    A#     B



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